It can be quite challenging to find a multi-level marketing program and become successful with it financially. For instance, Shaklee is a MLM program that involves selling protein shakes. I have done an evaluation for this program. Is the Shaklee MLM program really a hoax? Can you really earn a decent income by promoting Shaklee and selling its protein shakes and other items?
Shaklee Multi-Level Marketing Program
Forrest C. Shaklee founded Shaklee in 1915. He named his first line of vitamins “Shaklee’s Vitalized Minerals.” Since then, Shaklee has had a long and illustrious history. Shaklee Corporation was a significant producer of dietary supplements in the middle of the 1990s. Since then, it has had a few different owners.
Shaklee has a product line that consists of a variety of nutritional products, personal care products, pet gourmet products, and house cleaning products. Independent distributors help sell these products. It was once mentioned by Forrest Shaklee that his revenue totaled $700 million and remained at that level for a few years.
The Cost of Becoming a Shaklee MLM Member
After becoming a member of this program, you must choose what starter kit you want. There are three to choose from: the Prove It Starter Kit, the Get Clean Starter Kit, and the Meology Personalized Nutrition Kit. The costs range from $60.00 to $159.00.
You will also receive complimentary three-month access to your personal private website. Nothing about the monthly cost after the free trial was mentioned that I could spot.
And “yes,” watch out for hidden business expenses such as phone bills and auto costs. You may need to use your phone to contact your customers or program support. Likewise, you may need your vehicle to travel to customers’ locations to talk business or introduce your program and offers. There may be other business expenses as well.
What is the Value of Shaklee Products?
Shaklee offers a wide variety of goods, all of which are made in the USA. Shaklee products are not subjected to any kind of animal experimentation, and none of the ingredients have any chemical impurities.
Shaklee’s Life Shake Plant Protein, one of the most widely recognized goods, will be examined. This item is an aspect of the Shaklee 180 Program, which promotes fat loss while maintaining lean muscle mass. It comes in a 1.6-pound canister. You get a choice of either French vanilla or rich chocolate. The membership price is $48.50, and the asking price for this Shaklee’s Life Shake Plant Protein is just over $57.00. This smoothie has only a minimal amount of cane sugar while being low-glycemic. You can find these comparable goods at the majority of health food stores.
The Convenience of the Shaklee MLM Program
As a distributor, you get access to mobile apps, training, support, samples, and a dedicated website with a personalized online store. It will be possible for you to conduct direct product sales to clients who are not program participants. Additionally, clients who become members get savings on all of their purchases.
Can You Profit Using the Shaklee MLM Program?
Shaklee uses a proprietary formula called price variation to determine compensation. In this approach, your commission rate is determined by deducting the director’s price from the customer’s price.
The normal difference when buyers pay the full retail price is about 36%. However, you only receive about 16% of the member price in commission. This indicates that commissions range from 16% to 36%.
Another technique to increase your income stream is through recruitment. You will be eligible for the $75 bonus if you refer three new customers who each place an order for $150 in goods. Additionally, you receive $25 and 10 Star Club Trip points for each recruit.
Building a team of other distributors is where a large portion of the benefits come from.
Keep in mind that just to cover the cost of the starter kit, you’ll be required to sell at least $120 worth of merchandise to break even. So, even if Shaklee and other MLMs offer the possibility of financial success, you must put in a lot of effort.
Advantages And Disadvantages
As with many programs out there, there are some advantages and disadvantages to becoming a member of the Shaklee MLM program and doing business with them.
I will begin with the advantages. You don’t have to have product inventory. So you do not have to worry about inventory sitting around and costing you money.
Additionally, for every dollar spent on a shipment, distributors can receive one point. You can exchange these points for Shaklee merchandise. This sounds like a good deal.
Also, Shaklee has great products to distribute and sell. These products are well trusted due to the organic movement’s principles and its lack of animal experimentation.
There are three disadvantages to this MLM program. For one, the customer experience has not been good, according to the Better Business Bureau.
Next, the monthly orders must meet at least 100 personal volumes to remain a distributor with Shaklee MLM.
Finally, distributors of Shaklee are urged to establish a Loyalty Order of $100 each month. Through this program, distributors can accrue points that can be used for complimentary goods. Regardless of how they were acquired, points lapse one year from the date they were obtained.
My Concluding thoughts: Is Shaklee A Hoax?
This is what I gathered from all of the information I discovered during my research. Shaklee multi-level marketing is not a hoax. Although Shaklee MLM is not a scam and not the worst program to join, they have lost a lot of trust with consumers in the market due to repeated bad customer service. Therefore, it will be difficult to make money with this program.
Also, you will have significant start up and hidden costs before you earn your first sale after you join. It will take a lot of effort and spending before you can become successful, if it is even possible.
My #1 Choice For An Online Business
If you are looking for a much simpler program to earn income online, with lots of training and tools combined, I recommend you check out Wealthy Affiliate. WA has really great customer reviews and tons of support, even from the founders of this program. You will begin training and hands-on learning for free. The training will be simple step-by-step methods to get your website up and ready for the free Search Engines Optimization listing.
If you decide for some reason not to move forward with the training, you can cancel your free membership and not have to worry about a refund. If you like the program and want to move on to more training and finally get your business rolling to success, you can upgrade your membership. You could click the link below to learn more about this amazing and simplified program.
If you decide to join me on this affiliate marketing journey to earning a decent income by clicking the link above, I will help you get started and mentor you through the whole process. See you on the other side.
Gerald Winstead,
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