Multi-level marketing (MLM) firm Naturally Plus is established in Japan. They conduct business in numerous Asian nations, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Singapore. They conduct business in the United States too. Someone by the name of Takaaki Nagoshi launched the business in 1999.
I’ll provide you with a thorough, detailed overview of Naturally Plus MLM in this review, as well as an assessment of its profitability.
So, What is Naturally Plus MLM, and what do they do? Naturally Plus is a multi-level marketing program that sells health supplements online. As mentioned above, they were started in Japan and operate on many Asian fronts.
What Are The Supplements That They Market and Sell?

Naturally Plus does not have a very big market for selling supplements at all. As a matter of fact, They only have three kinds of health supplements that they market online. The three supplements are Super Lutein, Izumio, and Mirto+. Below are the full descriptions of each supplement:
Super Lutein combines five phytonutrients. It has a unique, proprietary blend manufactured with FloraGlo, a very pure form of lutein. Lutein is one of the carotenoids that helps the brain process information quickly and react to stimuli. Lutein also enhances the skin’s hydration and flexibility. There are 90 capsules in the bottle that this product comes in.
Izumio is water that has had extra hydrogen inserted into it. One of the largest hydrogen concentrations can be found there at 2.6 ppm. In addition to strengthening weak body parts, it aids in reducing athlete fatigue. It is contained in an airtight, 4-layer, BPA-free aluminum box.
Mirto+ is a pill version of the drug. It consists of Bilberry Extract, French Maritime Pine Bark Extract, and antioxidant-rich components. This mixture will improve general health in addition to providing other nutrients.
The Naturally Plus Recruitment Program
Naturally Plus has a recruitment program where you can earn money by recruiting other people to join. Every member, including yourself, has a sponsor or upline. Your recruiter will provide your training after you sign up and purchase a starter pack.
Additionally, there is an annual registration fee that you will have to pay. You must pay this to gain entry to the web page and back office.
There are no monthly sales quotas or monthly inventory requirements that you will have to concern yourself with.
Your downline will buy goods for themselves and their clients, and you as a recruiter will be eligible for bonuses and commissions on those purchases.
So the majority of the money you could earn from this program would come from recruiting other sponsors to join the Naturally Plus MLM program.
What Are the Costs Associated with joining Naturally Plus MLM?
To join Naturally Plus MLM, you will be required to first purchase a starter pack. The simplest and least expensive beginning kit is $180 and contains just one item. The other starter kit costs $2,330 and comes with an automatic 12-month supply of goods.
In addition to the starter pack, there is an annual registration fee. The registration fee, which is $30 per year, covers your access to the back office and your own marketing website in their website system.
The Pros of Naturally Plus MLM
- There is no inventory maintenance to worry about. Distributors only place orders for goods they actually use.
- The products are fully refundable within 30 days of purchase. If clients are unhappy with a product they bought, they can get a full refund. Products must be returned in sellable condition and within 30 days of the shipment date. Alternative options for customers include product exchanges.
- Distributors are not liable for paying shipping fees because products are supplied directly to customers.
The Cons of Naturally Plus MLM
- It is not cheap to start an affiliate marketing online business with Naturally Plus MLM. You’re going to pay $180 for just one basic start-up kit that contains one product. Also, there are annual fees for continued access to the website and back office.
- The compensation process can be difficult. When you endorse a brand-new member, you get a bonus and half the points for the goods they buy. A portion of the points will also go to your upline. For new hires who purchase starter kits and other merchandise, further bonuses are calculated.
- Bonuses require that you meet strict criteria. You must be a current member in good standing and have accrued 10,000 points during the month of eligibility in order to be eligible for bonuses.
Is Naturally Plus A Scam, and Can You Make Money With the Program?
After a lot of accurate research about Naturally Plus, It is fair to say that it is NOT a scam. The reason for this is that you can purchase directly from this company. These companies all sell their items for commissions.
Also, you can earn income with Naturally Plus, particularly with the recruitment factor. The direct sale of products can bring in some revenue, but recruiting other members to join Naturally Plus could be your primary income source.
My Conclusion About Naturally Plus and My Top Recommendation
First off, most people who are involved with Multi-Level Marketing programs don’t earn any money and may even lose money. They most likely will never even recover their basic launch costs, such as the starter pack, from their investment. I’m sorry to say that there are NO base earnings with MLM programs. MLM earnings are based on commission. Therefore, some days you may earn some money, and other days you may make little or no money. It flucturates.
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