When you are searching day in and day out for work-from-home opportunities online, it is really difficult to miss your typical multi-level marketing offers. There are countless offers you will find online for MLM marketing programs, needless to say. Have you ever stumbled upon an MLM program called MONAT? I did some research on Monat MLM and reviewed it. So with this MONAT MLM review, is it a scam?
We’ll be examining the company’s offerings and framework to evaluate whether this is a legitimately excellent home-based enterprise opportunity or if you should move on to other opportunities.
What is The Program?

MONAT was founded by the Urdaneta family in 2014. This program is an organization that uses a direct marketing MLM business model to sell hair care products. It is located in Doral, Florida. MONAT expanded its operations and sales to the US, Canada, and the EU.
Although the company received a lot of positive press during its early years of operation, doubtful reports have been reported in more recent times. In order to comprehend the specifics of this venture and the reason behind its recent media attention, allow us to first examine what goods Monat is offering as part of their multilevel marketing opportunity.
Do Monat’s Items Create Value for the Money?
Superior products and services are essential for any business to succeed, but this is especially true for those that sell tangible goods of some kind. It will be difficult for customers to trust and put money in a company if that company does not have good-quality and dependable products. Would you agree?
Five class-action complaints against Monat have been submitted since the beginning of this year. There have been complaints from certain customers that Monat’s goods cause severe allergic responses, itchy and burning sensations on the scalp, and thinning hair. A total of 552 concerns regarding the company’s MLM ventures or products have been filed with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in the past year.
For example, billing, advertising, shipping, and goods and services were some of the problems their clients were experiencing. Out of all the complaints, 499 were about products and services. Likewise, there were 71 complaints about invoicing, 55 complaints about advertising, and 15 complaints about shipment. All grievances were resolved.
Recently on the news, Monat’s MLM sales agents alleged that the items have FDA approval. In reality, no cosmetic products are ever certified by the FDA. Therefore, all of these significant issues with this company’s products ought to indicate whether or not you’ll be profitable.
The Monat Multilevel Marketing Potential
Is Monat multilevel marketing a potential way to earn income as a marketer? Similar to numerous other multilevel marketing companies, Monat products are only available for purchase through their Market Associates. Well, you can purchase their products elsewhere and cheaper, which will make it really difficult to succeed with this company.

The items that are meant to be offered only via market partners are readily accessible for purchase online, according to a brief Google search. Worse still, Monat items are being sold for less on websites like Amazon and eBay than they are for market partners that subscribe to the product line.
Overall, the Monat multilevel marketing company has very little potential. Individuals will frequently shop for less expensive goods from additional sources like Amazon.
What is the membership Price?
The membership has a starting price of $99 and may cost up to $649. It is crucial for you to remember that the majority of these subscriptions automatically renew each month, and Monat will mail you new merchandise.
Additionally, Market Partners’ misconception of the fact that they were committing to future product shipments at the time of their original subscription sign-up contributed to a number of grievances filed with the Better Business Bureau. In addition, a lot of these reports complained that it may take as much as three months to get any form of reimbursement after making the inquiry.
Here is a good tip. It is crucial that you have a good idea of how much it will cost you to operate your business with any program or company. Unexpected costs have the potential to seriously destroy your venture, particularly in the early stages of development.
Is there Earning Potential with MONAT MLM?
Many people have declared that they are making substantial incomes, in spite of the negative experiences customers have had with Monat MLM, both in terms of product and business opportunity. So my guess is that there would be earning potential with Monat MLM. Making money with the software is considerably simpler if you are able to join in at the beginning.
Monat is still a new MLM program. So if you decide to benefit from the opportunity, signing up for new members is much simpler that way.
- Monat is a rather new MLM work-from-home program. Enrolling individuals in multilevel marketing (the MLM industry) opportunities is far less difficult when the organization is still in its early stages, and the majority of successful MLM participants accomplish this at this time.
- The expansion of Monat and its products has grown significantly. They have expanded in the United States, Europe, and Canada. This indicates that there is a sizable market for the products or business opportunities in these countries.
- Many consumers who use Monat goods have left numerous complaints on websites, YouTube, and the Better Business Bureau.
- People who allege that they have become market members have filed a great deal of complaints. A common issue is that customers find it difficult to contact assistance for terminating their subscriptions after deciding this business option didn’t work for them.
- Monat has a long refund period. It can often take months just to get refunds. This goes for both unhappy market partners and customers.
- Monat has been the target of five lawsuits involving a class action alleging that its hair care goods induced injuries.
Is MONAT MLM a Scam?
Despite customer complaints and lawsuits due to product and work-from-home inconveniences, Monat MLM is not a scam. There have been cases of people being content with the products and business opportunities. But there were also many unhappy users as well.
Making money may frequently be quite difficult because most of it hinges on how well individuals who join up below you perform. This indicates that rather than operating as a more conventional business owner, you are usually acting more as a boss.
My Conclusion and Recommendation
After my research and review of the Monat MLM program, I came to the conclusion that it would be really difficult to run your own business through this program. Considering the customer and market partner inconveniences and lawsuits due to product injuries, it wouldn’t be enough positive to get other people to join the program. In my opinion, there are more lucrative business prospects in the cosmetic industry. Even though I don’t think Monat is a fraud, I feel that it might be difficult for anyone to be successful with this firm until the bad press and business issues have been fixed.
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