You could feel your head revolving around the sheer number of vitamin supplement companies operating these days, all performing similar processes. They make claims about your ability to start a business offering supplements or earn a lot of income in your free time. As you read on, bear in mind that this is a genuine MLM opportunity. You will discover a lot about multilevel marketing (MLMs) and why they are not an ideal fit for you in this AdvoCare MLM Review. So let’s read on and discover the truth exposed about this program.

AdvoCare MLM: What is this program?
Charles Ragus is the owner of AdvoCare MLM, which he established in 1993. The main office is somewhere in Texas. Charles Ragus got his distributorship experience as a Herbalife distributor.
AdvoCare sold its products through more than 623,000 distributors. In addition to sponsoring professional sporting events, they have collaborated with celebrities. In actuality, their endorsements and sponsorships are ways for them to further their reputation. They have benefited from their celebrity connections, both in terms of branding and hiring.
What is the price of AdvoCare products?
Energy, weight control, wellness, and athletic performance goods are available in the AdvoCare catalog. People who enjoy exercising and participating in activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle are the target market for these goods.
They have a featured product called Spark. A “unique mix of 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that work together to provide a well-rounded source of energy” is contained in the powder, which you can add to a glass of water. Caffeine and B vitamins are included in this product to support mental clarity and awareness. There are 13 distinct flavors available.

The vitamin and amino acid supplement Spark Mix costs $29.95. For preferred customers, they can get it for less, which is $23.96. The prices are really competitive with those in other well-known markets. These products are widely available in your neighborhood supermarket and on the Internet.
the opportunity process with the AdvoCare MLM
The opportunity process with the AdvoCare MLM is fairly simple. The way it operates is that an AdvoCare distributor would typically sponsor you. AdvoCare will assign you a distributor if you are not familiar with one. This opportunity is solely commission-based. As it is a common thing with MLMs, there is no base pay. You can begin selling goods as soon as you receive your distributor kit and pay your membership fee. The amount of goods you are able to market in a week will determine how much commission you receive. Your commissions will be paid to you roughly every two weeks. This is a practical process with MLMs.
how much is the advoCare membership?

Your first-year membership will cost you $79.00. The preceding annual membership fees will be renewed at $50.00. You will receive a distributor kit, which contains three boxes of AdvoCare Spark, training, an online AdvoStore, and tools and resources. You will also be required to get third-party insurance to support your distributor’s business operations.
Can you really earn income with AdvoCare MLM?
You can earn income with the AdvoCare MLM program. Sales of products to consumers are how AdvoCare generates revenue. Most likely, you’ll start by persuading friends and family to try it. Anyone with a desire for an active way of life might be intrigued.
Products are available for purchase by distributors at a discount ranging from 20% to 40% off the suggested retail price. Next, locate clients who are willing to pay the full suggested retail cost for those identical items and keep the difference for yourself. The discounts get deeper depending on the personal volume (PV) you’re able to sell.
Finding new members for your team is another way to earn money. A commission will be paid to you on any sales that your team members complete. You will get paid more as your team expands.
Getting your consumers to sign up as Preferred Customers is the most effective method to start earning commissions and maximizing your earnings. They will pay $19.95 annually for this, which will give them a 20%–30% discount on products. Your consumer will receive a complimentary gift upon enrollment. You profit more with each additional product your loyal customers order.
The pros for joining AdvoCare MLM
There are some pros to joining AdvoCare MLM. If you, as a distributor, are interested in ordering a product for your own use, you will receive a 20% discount. Next, you can sell your products anytime you prefer, whether full-time or part-time. It is your business.
Finally, there are decent commission rates. In commissions, you will receive $125 if you are able to sell a total of $500 worth of merchandise. However, contingent upon the amount of time you spend on customer acquisition, that might be too much to ask for.
The cons for joining AdvoCare MLM
Beware that there are cons to joining the AdvoCare MLM.
There have been endorsements from celebrities like the Saint’s quarterback, Drew Brees. AdvoCare entered into partnerships with several celebrities in order to validate their merchandise. Celebrities were employed to increase product sales and as a recruiting tactic.
AdvoCare is no stranger to many lawsuits. In one instant, AdvoCare was charged with using dishonest business tactics after terminating contracts with two distributors.
There have been customer complaints with the Better Business Bureau against AdvoCare MLM. The majority of complaints concern unauthorized credit card transactions made to customers. Numerous reports state that, despite never having heard of the business, they have discovered AdvoCare credit card charges. A portion of such expenses were recurring, monthly expenditures.
AdvoCare has frequently made an effort to get in touch with clients in an effort to address issues, but it’s difficult to comprehend why these individuals were first charged. Numerous complainants stated that AdvoCare was unfamiliar to them. Then why have so many people had profiles created in their names and credit cards that they used to make purchases?
Finally, Advocare was declared by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to be a fraudulent operation that defrauded thousands of people. This is a passage from the October 2019 Forbes article.
AdvoCare: Is this opportunity a Fraud?
When it comes to MLM opportunities, obtaining sales usually takes up a lot of your time. However, since you have been endorsed by another person, they will receive a portion of your sales as well, and so on up the line. Thus, being an MLM member entails doing all the hard work while your upline reaps the financial benefits. Additionally, there is a great deal of responsibility to sustain and grow your sales. MLMs don’t always constitute fraud, in my opinion. However, they most definitely don’t work in the most beneficial interest.
my takeaways about AdvoCare MLM and my top recommendation
MLMs entice you by offering flexible work hours and amazing sales. Indeed, you can develop an audience and conduct it in your free time. That isn’t how MLMs usually work, though. It will take a great deal of time for you to try to close your deals and make sales.
As an MLM member, your goal is to sell as many products as you can. That will take lots of energy and hard work. You will receive poor commissions the majority of the time, are not paid for operating costs, and are not an employee. Additionally, your revenue is lost if your clients leave. You can see how there might be a lot of pressure here. To ensure a consistent commission income, you might need to constantly replace customers you may have lost due to their unhappiness and bad experience with the program.
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